LONI ShapeDistance

ShapeDistance allows the point-by-point comparison of two shapes or surface meshes. The distance between comparable vertices at each point of the two shapes compared is calculated and stored in an output file.


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Java - Version 1.0.0

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  • Shapedistance supports various methods of measuring distance, and further methods can be added easily. Currently Euclidean and Taxicab distance metrics are available.
  • Both simple text files and UCF file output formats are supported. Other output file formats supported by the ShapeTools library may be easily added.
  • When UCF files are written, the distance between the two shapes is saved as a data attribute of the first shape (providing it may be written as a UCF file). Then ShapeViewer or InterpolateUCF can be used to visualize UCF based meshes that display spatial variability.
  • No restrictions are placed on what files may be read, so long as they contain vertices. Thus, meshes and other shapes defined in different file formats may be compared without needing to convert between file formats.
  • <p>Shape with different numbers of vertices may be compared</p>
  • <p>Use of the summary output format offers a simple, easily used measure of similarity between two shapes.</p>
  • <p>ShapeTools (v1.1.0) automatically recognizes and reads several geometry file formats. File format readers that implement ShpaeIO interface (modeled after Java ImageIO) are automatically used when appropriate. Applications written to use these interfaces will recognize and use file formats as they are added without needing to write custom file type handlers. Programs are free to use the generic file reading methods as well as format specific readers as appropriate to the needs of a specific application.</p>


ShapeDistance application is a program to calculate the distance between homologous vertices in a pair of Shapes.

System Requirements


  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Size: 651 Kb
  • OS: any
  • Processor: any
  • Memory: 100 Mb
  • Software: Java 1.4.1 or higher interpreter



Portable java executables make compilation unnecessary

Installation Instructions

Copy java executable 'jar' file to local disk. Add this jar file to your java program class path.


ShapeDistance allows the point-by-point comparison of two shapes or surface meshes. The distance between comparable vertice at each point of the two shapes compared is calculated and stored in an output file.

ShapeDistance will run on any computer that supports Java v1.4.1 (or greater).