
The ShapeCurvature application allows researchers to calculate the curvature of a surface mesh that is stored in a shape file. These curvature values may be written to disk files in a variety of file formats.


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Java - Version 1.0.3

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  • ShapeTools supported file formats can be read by the ShapeCurvature tool. Supported file formats include: UCF, 4D UCF, Minc Obj, Binary Minc Obj, OFF.
  • ShapeCurvature automatically recognizes and reads several geometry file formats.
  • ShapeCurvature (version 1.0.0) measures the curvature of a surface with the Discrete Gaussian curvature measure.


A common problem in analysis of shapes is to find the curvature of the surface (hull) defined by the shape. No tools exist for the data types used by the CCB researchers at the Laboratory of Neuro-Imaging. An easily used tool that will read the commonly used data file formats is needed to enable these calculations to be used in neurological research.

The ShapeCurvature program allows a neuroscientist to calcualate the curvature of a surface mesh that is stored in a shape file. These curvature values may be written to disk files in a variety of file formats, some of which allow this value to be stored as a data attribute of a copy of the original file.

System Requirements


  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Size: 2.38 Mb
  • OS: any
  • Processor: any
  • Memory: 100 Mb
  • Software: Java 1.4.1 (or higher) interpreter


Portable Java library jar makes library compilation unnecessary.

Copy the java application 'jar' file to local disk.


The ShapeCurvature application enables the measurement of the curvature of a mesh surface. The measurement values can be saved as an external file, as an OpenDX data file, or into a copy of the original file if allowed by the file format.

ShapeCurvature will run on any computer that supports Java version 1.4.1 or greater.